Simple Android RSS feed reader I created as a part of learning Android SDK.

I believe that in order to be a better UX designer and be able to communicate ideas with developers better, one needs to understand specific platform at a deeper level.

Program has three story view modes

[1] Thumbnail+Headline+Excerpt, [2] Large Thumbnail+Headline, [3] Headline+Excerpt

Rotating the phone opens a different layout making the browsing feeds and news sources easily accessible.

Android devices used to have hardware Menu button. App used it to quickly toggle visibility of the list of feed sources.
Clicking on the image or the headline instantaneously opens the full story, and from there, user can go to the original source or call share intent (and send as Email/Tweet/Google+/FB…)


Besides of wanting to learn Android SDK I also needed news reader that had keyword filtering. At the time, I could not care less for Apple ecosystem, and 30% of news were Apple related. My app had feature of a keyword blacklist to save me a few swipes. I cannot believe that still no other news reading app has this feature.

Project is obsolete now, domain used for Google Api is long expired, menu button is gone and the whole Android experience changed in the meantime, but it was a good learning experience.

Miloš Paripović