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Laser 3D Autoportrait
Disable Android ads
Do you remember those retro gif banners flashing green-red: “Congratulations you are visitor number…”
I did rememer it when I first saw Airpush ads showing in notification area…
I would want to get money, but I would not poke someone in the eye in that effort, violate their ears and take 5 minutes of their […]
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SEO stop Ads
This is the age where our limited human time and resources are wasted into marketing. This is why our society development is motivated by wrong values.
If you are creative person trying to contribute the world you need to be seen and heard = you need to influence others. To influence you need to become […]
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Earning with Android SDK
If you are android developer you could see this message in Developer Console
18 October 2011: Correction of active install count calculation
Open any android app on the market and you will see this is the graph of installations since they fixed the installation counter.
(Charts of 3 random apps from the market, each […]
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Android Market experience
From the developer perspective at this point I must say I am extremely dissatisfied with Android Market
I have just uploaded my new app RestFeed and here are Developer Console welcome messages:
- 25 October 2011 – Recently published apps not appearing in Android Market: We’re aware of reports from some developers that apps recently […] ...
Read more about it on my homepage in Industrial Design section
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RestFEED – my news reading app
Simple Android feed reader I made for my personal use and without features I do not need. Just a simple feed reader with images (and blacklisting).
I was not satisfied with other feed reading apps because all fancy features made them useless and slow.
This app is as fast as the each news […]
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Pizza Calculator
To be able to design UX for platform I believe one needs to know how to develop for that platform so I made up a few projects to familiarize myself with Android platform development.
Did you know that one 14 inch pizza is almost twice the size of 10 inch pizza?!
We often […]
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Un Chien Andalou Digital
The animation ‘Un Chien Andalou Digital’ is a media critic piece, disputing ever-growing commercialization of movie as medium. Today are even art works forced to make product placement, or at least in commercial direction to work, affecting movie esthetic. Often happens that the story recedes before the advertisement. Even further goes the interactive TV, where […]
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